How to Get a Personal Bank Loan

There are a number of reasons an individual may choose to apply for a personal bank loan. Many times people find themselves in situations which require financial assistance. Sometimes old medical bills or over due credit card bills may prompt someone to take steps to obtain assistance in freeing themselves of these financial issues. Personal financing is a very effective method of removing debt and giving a person a clean slate on which to begin building a strong personal credit score. Often, a personal bank loan will give a person just the right amount of money needed to realize financial freedom. Whatever the reason someone may be considering a personal loan, there is a process in applying for, and securing this type of loan. There are two very distinct types of personal bank loans, and which option chosen will depend largely on a person’s credit score, among other things that may factor into their decision.

Secured or Unsecured Banks Loans

The two forms of bank loans previously mentioned which are available are unsecured, and secured. An unsecured bank loan typically carries a higher personal loan interest rate and approval may be dependant on a persons credit score. No collateral is need for an unsecured bank loan and for this reason many people choose this option. However, there are also people who, for whatever reason, cannot be approved for an unsecured loan. These people generally choose to go with a secured bank loan which will require some sort of collateral to be put up in order to obtain the loan.

Application Process

The first thing someone should do when considering a bank loan is determine which institution they would like to apply for a loan with. There are many lenders available and each has a different set of requirements, as well as a variety of different options. The best thing to do is shop around a little and research which financial institutions offer the soundest financing, with the lowest interest rates. If someone has been banking with a certain financial institution for a significant amount of time, they may choose to apply for a loan from them. Once it has been determined which lender will be used, a person must begin compiling all pertinent information which will be needed during the application process.

Pertinent Information /Collateral Needed

Typically, items like pay stubs, letters of verification from employers, and proof of other income and expenses will be required when applying for personal loans. A simple assessment performed by the lender will usually determine whether any collateral will be needed in securing a loan. If it is established that collateral is needed, a list of assets which have a value that is equal to, or greater than, the amount of money being applied for will be requested. These things usually include homes, boats, personal property, as well as stocks and bonds. A loan secured by collateral is apt to qualify for lower finance charges, resulting in a lower monthly payment.

If an approval is received, a personal loan calculator will be used to determine the amount of the monthly payment. It is a very good idea for anyone who is signing a contract for a loan to read everything that is contained within the contract, especially the fine print. It is imperative that a person understand exactly what they are agreeing to, as well as how much principal they will be paying each month versus interest, in addition to how long the loan will take to pay off. It is also very important to find out if there are any pre-payment penalties should the loan be paid off early.